40 things internet taught me about masculinity (and life)

Girish Chawla
3 min readNov 9, 2023
Photo by Simone Pellegrini on Unsplash
  1. Always be mindful of your surroundings
  2. Train for strength and size, train to protect others and yourself
  3. Be grateful for what you have
  4. No man is an island; stay close to your friends/family
  5. Take deeper breaths to remain calm and confident; don’t flex your abs
  6. Learn to build, create >>> consume. Building things make us happy.
  7. “Do the hard work, especially when you don’t feel like it” — Hamza
  8. Don’t be afraid to learn new things
  9. Try to be independent in every way you can
  10. Eat healthy meals (food is fuel, nothing more)
  11. Be a leader (in every difficult situation, try to lead)
  12. Never berate your bros, help them grow
  13. Don’t gossip ffs (people ain’t bad, their situations are)
  14. May sound cringe but in order to grow, surround yourself with masculine men (vibe attracts your tribe)
  15. If you love work, that’ll give you happiness. Hence, never retire
  16. Write down your thoughts and introspect (maintain a journal)
  17. Again, may sound cringe: are you the type of guy that you’d want your daughter to go on a date with? (if no, work on yourself)
  18. “We’re all gonna make it brah” — Zyzz
  19. Think of yourself as a stone age man (our brain hasn’t evolved a lot since then), you’ll get a better perspective of life.
  20. Get your daily dose of vitamin D with sunlight
  21. Eat the frog first thing in the morning
  22. While doing so, fast intermittently for crystal clear focus
  23. Confidence goes up when self-doubt goes down
  24. Respect others, but never lose your self-respect in the process
  25. Going to the gym doesn’t make you masculine, but it’s surely the first step towards masculinity for a lot of young guys
  26. Mental health >>>> physical health. Prioritise it.
  27. Testosterone is a good indicator of drive. More testosterone = more drive. Research about it, it’s literally helps you grow in life
  28. Weak men were never respected/mentioned in any history book. Think about it.
  29. Grow your status irl, in your circle/society/office/college/school etc.
  30. Be selfless; it’s a virtue
  31. It’s a bit hard to explain but here goes nothing: masculinity and femininity is on a scale on opposite sides (sexual polarity). Both starts at 0 in the middle and extends on either sides. At what point of the scale are you at rn? Better to be a farther end of masculinity if you want a feminine counterpart on the similar opposite end of the spectrum (sounds weird but you may get it if you think through)
  32. Share, don’t overshare. Maintain a bit of secrecy, especially on social media.
  33. Think about work, don’t think about your crush lmao (quotes goes hard and goes like: don’t wait for the butterflies, build a garden…)
  34. May sound controversial again but imma say it: don’t be emotional (not saying to be a psychopath, but you need to control your emotions)
  35. People are filled with experiences, learn from them, they are an open book, ask questions, share and grow (one more reason to not don’t judge someone or gossip)
  36. Have a purpose in life
  37. Body posture reflects your confidence
  38. Clothing and looks makes you confident, don’t neglect it.
  39. “Looks and physique don’t matter” is a 100% lie. YOU CAN WORK ON IT!
  40. Cold approach people outside the internet (not on emails/dms only). It’s a skill and one of the best ways to boost confidence.



Girish Chawla

I mostly write about health, mindfulness, digitalia and marketing (sometimes, I may go off-topic).